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STUDY OF MEASURES TO INCREASE AFSCME RETIREE SUB-CHAPTER 38’s IMPACT ON NATIONAL LEGISLATIVE INITIATIVES MSA 600 Foundations of Research Methods in Administration Central Michigan University Submitted by: Ronnie Peterson Project Instructor: Professor Gerard F. Becker 11 November 2015 Table of Contents Page Number List of Tables ……………………………………………….. 3 List of Figures ………………………………………………. 3 Chapter 1 Problem Definition ………………………….. 4 Chapter 2 Literature Review …………………………… 5 Chapter 3 Research Methodology ……………………… 6 Chapter 4 Data Analysis ……………………………….. Future Chapter 5 Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations .. Future Definition of Terms ………………………………………….. 18 …show more content…

Congressional Hearings† Kyle W. Albert Article first published online: 23 AUG 2013 DOI: 10.1111/socf.12038 Charner, Ivan, Shirley Fox, and Lester Trachtman. Union retirees: enriching their lives enhancing their contribution. National Institute for Work and Learning, 1988. PS: Political Science & Politics / Volume 44 / Issue 02 / April 2011, pp 247-250 Copyright © American Political Science Association 2011 DOI: (About DOI), Published online: 08 April 2011 Clark, Paul F. Building More Effective Unions (2nd Edition). Ithaca, NY, USA: Cornell University Press, 2009. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 15 November 2015 Join AFSCME Retirees. (2015). In Retrieved November 13, 2015, from Kyle, Albert. “Labor Union Political Strategy in an Era of Decline and Revitalization.” Journal: Sociological Inquiry, 2014, Page n/a DOI: 10.1111/soin.12035 Masters, Marick F., and Delaney, John T. (2005). “Organized Labor’s Political Scorecard.” Journal of Labor Research, Vol. 26, No. 3 (Summer 2005), pp. 365-392., 26(3), 365-392.

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