
Iago's Soliloquy In Act 1

Decent Essays

Iago’s soliloquy in the end of Act 1, scene 3, reveals to the audience who Iago really is. His moods shift based on who he is around, whether he is lying or manipulating someone, most likely Roderigo, into either doing his dirty work or jeopardizing their job status. He normally comes up with his ideas whenever he is alone and no one is in sight. Because Iago is blinded from the ugliness of people, Iago feels like he can easily go through with his plan.

Iago is a master of gaining and losing people’s trust. Whenever he gets a grasp of trust from someone, he comes up with an evil plan to ruin that trust. He rather believe the rumors that he hears than the truth. Rumors were circling around that Othello had slept with his wife, Emilia, whom

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