
Iago's Strengths And Weaknesses In Othello

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In the play Othello, the Moor of Venice, Shakespeare talks of Venetian army general, named Othello, and how his life is troubled by a junior officer in the army called Iago. The interaction between Iago and Othello sets the play into motion, as Iago uses Othello’s main weakness, which seems to be love, to set him into a jealousy that finally destroys Othello and other people who Iago falsely accuses of having an affair with Desdemona, Othello’s wife (Shakespeare & In Bevington, 2014). However, Othello, as one of the leading characters of the play, has admirable character traits like strength, loving, hardworking, respectable, courageous, and experienced military man. However, he has various weaknesses like naivety and gullibility among others, based on racial grounds and which finally end ascertaining his downfall. When Othello rises to the position of a general, after his victory in a war, he faces various challenges, and his relationship with others change, the main one being the relationship with Iago who sets to ruin him using his love for Desdemona. Iago’s intentions are driven by envy that he was unfairly passed by Othello when choosing a lieutenant: Othello preferred Cassio to Iago in this position (Shakespeare & In Bevington, 2014). However, much of Othello’s jealousy seems to stem from his race amid his desire to maintain his reputation, and not his love for Desdemona.
One of the admirable …show more content…

He makes decisions and works on them, for instance, when he decides to will have Cassio killed for trying to steal Desdemona from him, which is seen in his exclamation “The voice of Cassio! Iago keeps his word.” (5.1.29) and his expectation for the death of Cassio when he asks, “Not Cassio killed?” (5.2.118). He also decides to kill Desdemona for her infidelity. No matter how much Desdemona pleads with him, the Moor has just made up his mind, and he makes sure that Desdemona dies for cheating on

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