
Idea Of Evolution

Decent Essays

Core lecture this week is titled "The Literature of Natural History and the Idea of Evolution” lectured by Tom Hothem who is a co-coordinator of Core 1. The argument revolved around the idea that the history of natural science and the idea of evolution began from classification. Due to classification, much of the knowledge known about natural science are able to be created. Without the existence of classification, no one would be able to define or even discuss the matter on the names. Classification can be defined as a criteria that various individuals created to justify what objects, places, and things that exist in this society. However, not all classification were considered to be perfect or the best as there are some that go through changes. …show more content…

Without classification, the knowledge that we have about the person or object would just be nonexistent. Professor Tom Hothem said, “Without classification, we can’t talk about it”, which I find to be quite true as everything that everyone talks about are classification. At the same time, there are those who questioned whether the grounds that we stand to create classification are correct. In the article, “The Order of Things” discusses about classification and it also points out how classifications are created. It argues about what grounds or standards define such classifications that exist in the society, leading to some pondering about classification. For instance, is a chair really chair? What kind criteria is necessary to define a chair? This articles explores how individuals were able to sort out similarities and differences of things and eventually placed them into classification. Nevertheless, classification as a whole allows communication about other discoveries that has occurred within natural science and evolution. It allows us to give it knowledge through classifying the object or thing. Overall, I would expect many to ponder rather or not classification is absolute system, however, individuals would need to understand classifications exist for a reason. From my observations, without classification there would not be order that exist in today’s society. For example, if there were no classifications in history, we would be unable to comprehend what occurred then. As there is many events that occurred in history, which it would be prefer that each time period or event be classify. This creates order and shows how all subjects are connected through

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