
The System Of Naming And Classifying Organisms

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The theory of evolution is significant as repeated testing that explains “an observable, verifiable truth – that life on this plant has changed over time.” (Fuentes, 22) It is the well-supported history of where all life came from on this planet.

Starting over 500 years ago with Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Francis Bacon, and Isaac Newton paving the way for the possibility of new scientific exploration into studies such as “stratigraphy, the study of the rock and soil layers of the earth” by Robert Hooke and Carolus Linnaeus’ study of taxonomy, “the system of naming and classifying organisms” based on morphological similarities and differences, humanity would begin to uncrack the code of where life came from in a nonbiblical sense. (Fuentes, 26) Further studies by George-Louis Leclerc – Comte du Buffon, Erasmus Darwin (Charles’ grandfather), Georges Cuvier, James Hutton and Charles Lyell as well as Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet – Chevalier de Lamarck’s studies in which he “correctly identified the environment as a challenge to organisms and adaptation as the result of changing to meet environmental challenges” helped prompt the formulation of the current understanding of evolution by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace each in their own special way.

Through the work of curious minds before them, Darwin’s inspiration working as a naturalist on the HMS Beagle and traveling to the Galapagos Islands, and Wallace’s promptings for publication in 1856,

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