I think my codes may not be very successful in America today. Even though charging high fines for common offenses can reduce the amount of taxes citizens pay for jail inmates, a myriad amount of people in the country have low incomes and may not afford to pay high fines. If the government reduces the fines for those with a lower income, people might not take the laws seriously. Reducing the fines for poor families is the ideal code of law, but there may not be as much of a difference in the taxes. Another thing to mention is that with the strict laws, citizens might start to resent and protest against the government. Therefore, for an ideal code of law, community service opportunities should be available to clear up a minor police record or
Making a foam boffer sword for LARPing (Live Action Role Playing) is quite simple and affordable. Boffer swords are simply handmade weapons used on the battlefield during LARP events, which typically consist of either a small group of friends or a massive gathering of many people. They are quite sturdy and withstand a large amount of hits as long as they are made well. This depends largely on the amount of effort and time given to the project, as well as choices of materials used. Foam boffer swords allow the LARPer to express his or her creativity, while producing a weapon that will aid them on their adventures.
Changing social values: The values of societies change over time. Society is forever changing values which then place’s pressure onto the law to change and adapt over time. What is seen as as acceptable may not be considered acceptable at another time. The urge for tougher sentencing in law reform may satisfy the deserved aspects of punishment, but harsher penalties are not statistically shown to reduce crime rates. Thus in seeking to promote social values for tougher penalties it undermines our social value for fairness and the concept of justice for the individual.
The (Plaintiff) Johnny Singstealer is seeking the sum of $1 million from the (Defendant) Bobby Bandleader, for alleged copyright abuse of the song “Happy Birthday to You”. The (Plaintiff) Johnny Singstealer is the copyright holder to the said song. The (Defendant) Bobby Bandleader is a Bistro owner who performs the song in an altered version (his own words are used) to his customers on their birthdays and have been doing so for the past twenty years without obtaining any licensing or permission from the copyright holder (Plaintiff) Johnny Singstealer.
Widget Tech Inc. is in need of update the company’s current code of ethics due to growth of the company and the changing workforce. Research has been conducted to revise the current policy and address topics that were previously
What light does the Gortyn Law Code shed upon the legal and social position of (male) citizens, women and slaves within a Greek society?
All the Laws but One: Civil Liberties in Wartime is a book by William H. Rehnquist, former Chief Justice of the United States of America. In his book, Justice Rehnquist presents the history of civil liberties during wartime in the United States during three wars: the Civil War, World War I, and World War II. This book takes us on an in depth journey of the United States of America’s government activities. Justice Rehnquist follows the presidencies of Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, and Franklin D. Roosevelt. As former Chief Justice, William H. Rehnquist is able to give readers an understanding to the thought process of government officials though his own commentary. A historical approach is taken as the author analyzes the Supreme Court’s
Secondly, they should be addressed the needs of offenders and the deficits in their lives that contributed to their offending. And thirdly, sentences should not be severe, intrusive, or damaging to an offender’s later decarceration to live a righteous life than is minimally necessary to achieve valid purposes of the sentence he or she receives (Tonry 508). An addition to these are proportionality, which means that sentences should correspond in severity to the seriousness of the crimes which they are inflicted. Also, regularity, which signifies that sentences should be guided by official standards to make the process clear, procedures fair, and allow judges to be more accountable (Tonry 508). Moreover, the American Criminal Code must be taken into consideration. Two features must be altered if the sentencing is to become fair, effective, and just. Firstly, the harsh sentencing laws must be revoked, and secondly the limits, that matches the offense seriousness, must be put on the lawful sentences (Tonry 514). Moreover, Tonry mentioned about future changes that, “If adopted, they would greatly reduce the number of people in prison in future years, but their adoption would not significantly reduce the scale of American imprisonment in 2015 or in 2020. Doing that will require enactment of new laws authorizing reconsideration of sentences now being served (Tonry 523).
American law comprises of many levels of modified and unmodified but the most important is the USA constitution and the federal government of the United States. Constitution is meant that it sets up the boundaries of other laws such as federal laws as an act of congress while case law originates from the federal judiciary. The states of the American are plenty sovereign each with its constitution. American laws especially contract, tort, property, criminal, and family law experienced by the majority of citizens on a day-to-day basis) consists primarily of state law, which can and does vary greatly from one state to the next. The common law system of English law which was there at the revolutionary time brought the federal and state law of today. American law is now derived from five major sources which are constitutional law, statutory law, treaties, administrative
Prisoner #48551-083 is a 69-year-old white male named Robert Philip Hanssen. The former FBI-counterintelligence-agent-turned-Soviet-spy is serving life in prison without the possibility of parole at the Administrative Maximum facility in Florence, Colorado, where he is kept in solitary confinement. The United States government originally accused Hanssen of trading more than 6,000 pages of confidential information to the KGB in exchange for cash and diamonds and of blowing the covers of double-agents that the FBI had recruited from the Soviets (Willing & Watson). At the time of Hanssen’s arrest, then-FBI Director Louis J. Freeh said that the charges exemplify “the most serious violations of law – and threat to national security” (“Espionage case”, 2001). This opinion should make us question why, when traitors and spies should be executed in accordance to the United States Code of Law, we as a country are so lenient in our punishments of convicted spies such as Hanssen. Is it because we believe that we cannot decide if someone lives or dies? Are we afraid to acknowledge that the information fed to enemy governments could possibly mean the end of the United States as we know it? Or even the end of our own lives? How many people should be allowed to betray our country until we stop this issue before it is continually perpetuated? Although critics believe that the death penalty should be abolished, I use a combination of retributivist and deterrence arguments to argue that
The United States Constitution is the supreme law of the United States of America which defines the structure of national government and dictates the capacity of its powers and limitations. The U.S. Constitution maintains its purpose as the fundamental application of law in the United States where all other laws are measured against it. Furthermore, the Guarantee Clause of Article 4 specifies each state to maintain a degree of sovereignty over its own forms of government (U.S. Const. art. IV, § 4). State constitutions mirror the design of the federal constitution and contain extended provisions of the U.S. Constitution.
Our laws of our community is no murder.No murder is our first law and if broken then you will go to jail for life.Our second law is no stealing from other people’s property. The punishment is jail time for 30 months. Third law is no drug dealing. Punishment is jail for 2 years.Our fourth law is no guns; punishment is 2 years.Our fifth law says no treason and if treason is acted upon then you will be in for life in jail.Our sixth law is no physical assault and there will be 14 years in jail.Our seventh law is no sexual assault and will last you for 14 years in jail. eighth law is no nihilism propaganda and jail is 2 years.Ninth law is no countries’s flags, but ours
Criminal laws must identify five important features that are good they must ideally possess. Some of these statutes in the states can be bad laws which some bad laws exist (Bohm, & Haley, 2012). There are five ideal criminal laws which are, politicality, specificity, regularity, uniformity, and penal sanction.
There are four primary sources of American law that “establish rights, duties, and privileges that are consistent with the values and beliefs of a society or its ruling group” (Miller, 2014). One of the oldest sources of primary law is the U.S. Constitution, which was ratified by delegates from 12 states on September 17, 1787 (The Constitution of the United States, 2015). The document has stood the test of time and been a model for many other nations with its emphasis on a strong government with maximum human freedom while avoiding tyranny (The Constitution of the United States, 2015). Since each state also has its own constitution, this would be in the same category as a primary source of American law. The second primary source of
The rule of law is a difficult concept to grasp and proves elusive to substantive definition. However, the following work considers the attempts of various social and legal theorists to define the concept and pertinent authorities are considered. Attitudes and emphasis as to the exact shape, form and content of the rule of law differ quite widely depending on the socio-political perspective and views of respective commentators (Slapper and Kelly, 2009, p16), although there are common themes that are almost universally adopted. The conclusions to this work endeavour to consolidate thinking on the rule of law in order to address the question posed in the title, which is at first sight a deceptively simple one.
When discussing the relationship between law and ethics a lot of things are taken in consideration. But the first thing is to know what each of them mean. In some ways law plays a role in ethical values, while some laws can be influenced by ethical values.