
Identify Your Strengths At Work

Decent Essays

Finding your passion is a process that works from the inside out. Getting to know your likes and dislikes allows you to pick jobs that complement your strengths. However, if we don’t know ourselves well enough to identify those strengths we may need to look at what we do for a living to see what we are good at. Strengths usually become strengths because we spend a lot of time in that area, and we normally only invest time in areas we are passionate about. Let’s look at an example analyzed a strength I found by analyzing my roles and behaviors at work. “I’m here because I believe in you!” I said. “If you want something bad enough, and you push yourself hard enough, you will achieve it!” the students gawked at me. My voice weaved high and low as I stood in front of my third grade students. They began to clap at the end of my speech on respect and perseverance, and wanted to reach my expectations. You will know when you have tapped into your passion because others will respond to your energy. Another way to identify your strength at work is by paying attention to the compliments you receive from coworkers. Think of an area where many of your co-workers come to you for help. Is it for advice about how to solve a conflict? About how to fix a specific machine part? Or for proofreading an email? Your strengths in these areas are not by chance. …show more content…

They know when you care, and if you are not passionate about teaching them they can almost always tell and they respond to you according to their perceptions. During lunch room conversations I hypothesized that teachers with the most classroom management problems were those who weren’t really passionate about teaching. They usually taught for the paycheck. The paycheck was their motivation for teaching; a means to an

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