
Identity As A Means Of Oppression

Decent Essays

Identity is complex because identity ranges from many different categories. The factors that make identity “complex” are individual characteristics, family inclination, historical matter, and social and political contexts (2010). If I ask a group of friends what their identity is, every individual will not have the same answer. Identity classifies from race, gender, culture, religion, and so on. Identity can’t be bundled into one concept which makes character identity difficult to solidify.
The “micro” level is a place where individuals are comfortable to be his/her self. At this level, people find groups to form a connection with no judgment or labels. Individuals define themselves at the micro level by activities or events that shape and …show more content…

Oppression deals with not having the requirements of people of power and privilege. Five defining features of oppression are pervasive, restrictive, hierarchical internalized, and complex, multiple cross cutting relationships. The pervasive feature has spread through the minds of every individuals that the inequality of oppression is wildly accepted as a regular custom in societies. The restrictive feature delimits development and determination of ones self-possibilities. The hierarchical feature deals with dominant groups having a huge advantage over the less advantaged targeted groups. Internalized feature lies in the human psyche where beliefs are internalized by oppressed victims and the victimizers. Complex, multiple cross-cutting relationships implies to non-privileged individuals, who have an advantage like a high economic and professional status, still suffer limitations for being less advantaged in other categories.
The three levels Hardiman, Jackson, and Griffin define of oppression are individual, institutional, and social/cultural. The Individual level displays attitude or behaviors within a single person believing in a stereotype or stereotypes. For example, this would occur when a white person is afraid of a black man when walking down a street because of the stereotype of believing blacks are criminals, or when men believing women cannot make logical decisions because …show more content…

Bell believed there should be a theory of oppression while Young’s criterion was to determine whether people in groups are oppressed. Young also stated how media and cultural stereotypes are a part of the everyday life. Hardiman expressed that oppressed situations are affected by those who are in control, just as much as the lacking control. Young, however, reasons the dominant group expresses their identity without noticing how it constructs differences for the less dominant. Bell stated how oppression affects you internally as it does externally and Young expressed oppression on the external

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