
Identity In Beowulf

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The swirling, intricate lines and shapes on a person's finger, is more than just a print, it is an identity. One that no other in the world carries, and is uniquely for a single person. Identity is an important representation of a person. It is the skeleton and mold of their being, which shows important concepts like one's beliefs, personality and image. However, everyone's identity is interchangeable, which creates a focus on the importance of one's reputation. One must understand that to maintain his or her identity, he or she must show their true self and not hide behind the masks of his or her weaknesses. The wise words of musician Ralston Bowles can help guide one to understand an important life lesson about identity, "Don't let your struggle …show more content…

Identity is a key component while creating the main character, and hero, Beowulf. If one observes Beowulf, they can conclude that he makes a great stretch and obtains struggles regarding is task to defeat Grendal, "a powerful monster, living down/In the darkness, growled in pain, impatient"(Canto l. 35-36). However, before this event occurred, one must understand Beowulf's background, in order to get a better grasp on his identity. This can be difficult because if one examines the poem, one will notice that there is not much known about Beowulf's childhood and where he came from. But one will see that he was well known even when he was a child, for Hrothgar "remembers having known Beowulf as a child"[Beowulf, Canto 3-5, Italicized Summary]. Other than this, little information is known about Beowulf's background. Even with this lack of information, one can still clearly see the strength and weaknesses that are the building blocks of Beowulf and his …show more content…

The first challenge that is set in front of Beowulf, is Grendal, a monster that came "from the foot of the misty/Hills and bigs, bearing God's hatred.../Hoping to kill/Anyone he could trap"(Canto 11. 150-154). Before the battle between Grendal and Beowulf, Grendal killed many people living and celebrating in the Hrothgar's palace. "Grendal snatched at the first Geat/He came to, ripped him apart, cut/His body to bits with powerful jaws,/Drank the blood from his veins and bolted/Him down"(Canto 11. 180-184). Grendal repeated this action many times, and killed every man in the palace's hall. The aftermath of the horrible event, triggered one of Beowulf's weaknesses. He became very emotional and disappointed in himself. He knew it was his job to protect the kingdom but lost many lives instead. Because of a tragic event like this, most would give up and be saddened, but Beowulf does the opposite and does not let his weaknesses nor struggles take over his true self. This triggers strength of bravery and determination. Although he failed once, Beowulf was ready to continue and attempt to defeat Grendal. "All of Beowulf's/Band had jumped from their beds, ancestral/Swords raised and ready, determined"(Canto 12. 236-237), not letting the emotions from the murder affect their strength. However, this is not the only struggle Beowulf

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