
Identity Theft: A Serious Crime

Satisfactory Essays

We can all agree, that Identity theft is a serious crime and it can happen to anyone. This days, people are becoming more and more victims of such acts either online or at the ATM's machine, banks e-mail and even online false advertisement. This identity theft affects the rich, poor, employees, business and the government. This act affects people lives and their credit history.

In my research the question is “What is identity Theft? Identity theft is a crime that occurs when someone uses personal information to commit fraud where they used the person personal information to either, get a job in your name; they can apply for a loan in your name. They can and most commonly applied for a credit card in your name. ( On my research paper, I will identify the affects identity theft cause people life financially. What can you not to become victims of identity theft? Why you should keep your identity documents at home: …show more content…

The effect that identity theft has on those who have been the victim are a lot of headaches and heartaches of repairing their names and their credit history once they have been a victims of such act. According to an article on identity theft victim static’s inform, there have been 12,521,448 and 15 million in the united state that has been victims of such act. The financial losses total has been expanding to 50 billion

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