
If I Take An Age To Be Forever Young

Satisfactory Essays

If I had to pick an age to be Forever Young, I would pick to be 22. The reason that I would pick to be twenty-two would be so then I could be done with School and College, and have a great job. If I had picked younger then 22 then I wouldnt be able to grow up and see what the real world would be like, or what my life would be like. Twent-two seems to be a good age to be, I always wanted to see what my life would be like when I get older. Just to see if I would hsve a family, or if I would have a good well being job. So if I could be twenty-two forever it would be cool, I would be young and fit. Able to take care of everything without having the worry of what would happen when I get older. The truth is being a kid isn't always that great as it seems, parents alwasys telling you to do the right thing or not to do this or that. But supposivly we don't know what wrong and right, even though sometimes we do we still make mistakes. …show more content…

It's not that fun having to take care of everyone around you, and always wondering what you did or didn't do wrong. Thats one reason why I would want to be 22 Forever, yes thats a young age but anything cousld happen. You could be strolling down the street and just have a stroke or something, and fall down to the ground. People would think they were so young why did that happen, well it doesn't matter if you are young, old, or just in the middle. Anything could happen take it from me I'm only 14 and I'm dealing with brain tumors, and a disease that they don't even know what it is after about a year and a

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