
The Importance Of Dress Up In High School

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Dress up was one of my favorite activities as a kid. You could pretend to be anything. I would often choose to put on these fancy heels and a really poofy dress. Then run to my mom asking her to put makeup on me. She would promptly tell me to “stop growing up so fast.” And of course all I wished was to be older. I wanted to wear fancy clothes and apply tons of makeup. Looking back now, I wish I had listened to my mom's advice earlier than just my last year of high school. Senior year basically hit me like a brick. I started to miss how life used to be. I want to be hanging out with my friends. Going on random food trips and even just doing what I wanted in that exact moment. If I wanted some ice cream, why wouldn’t I just drive myself right away? The want to be spontaneous only came to me this year. In the past I always thought that there was no time to be spontaneous and do what you want. The worst is in 9th and 10th grade, you're trying to be like everyone else. You think it’s wrong to not care about anything else, but school. You’re gonna study for tests for the longest time possible because grades are everything. You don’t have time to go to the beach or just hang out. And obviously I’m not saying grades aren’t important, I’m just saying grades shouldn’t dictate your life.
As I reached high school my life started turning towards becoming an adult. School was your work. After school was sports, then you went home for dinner and finally went up to your room to do

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