
Igc Case Studies

Satisfactory Essays

1. No signs or symptoms of intoxication or withdrawal were present while in treatment. Current status is unknown.

Risk Rating: 0

2. No biomedical signs or symptoms were present while in treatment. Current status is unknown. Client is recommended to obtain a complete physical exam to rule out any medical issues that may interfere to complete treatment successfully.

Risk Rating: 0

3. Client continues to demonstrate unstable behavior within the treatment as evidenced by multiple jail sanctions while in IOP treatment, and arrested on suspicion of DUI on 08/29/2017 as result of continued alcohol use. Treatment in a higher level of care is indicated as evidenced by lack of ability to control his impulses to use alcohol and/or other mood-altering substances despite negative consequences. …show more content…

Although client completed Intensive Outpatient treatment and increased awareness about negative impact of substance(s) use, client has not yet implemented recommended changes, and will need to increase the degree of readiness to change, which can be addressed at Level 3.1 inpatient treatment services.
Risk Rating: 3
5. Client is at a high risk for relapse as evidenced by his continued alcohol use. Client appears to be unable to maintain sobriety on his own and has little recognition and understanding of alcohol and substance use relapse issues. Client appears to have poor skills to cope with and interrupt addiction problems, or to avoid or limit relapse. Client would benefit from an inpatient treatment to target problem

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