
Illusion of Self-Fulfillment in Jacobin Magazine's Article, In the Name of Love

Decent Essays

Illusion of Self-Fulfillment In the cynical article, In the Name of Love, featured in Jacobin magazine, the author, possessing a PhD in art history from the distinguished Ivy League University of Pennsylvania, Miya Tokumitsu opens up the age-old discussion of social and economic class distinctions. Tokumitsu manipulates the revered “do what you love, love what you do” mantra which many Americans live by today to argue her point that elitists are controlling the working class through this inspirational ideology. Primarily, by targeting today’s generation of collegiate youth hoping to one day enter the work force, Tokumitsu, once in the hopeful and optimistic position of her audience, hopes to convince readers, future proletariat members, …show more content…

has become a nation of egoists. Tokumitsu’s first example of Logos appears in her article when she explains the defects of “DWYL.” “By keeping us focused on ourselves and our individual happiness, DWYL distracts us from the working conditions of others while validating our own choices and relieving us from obligations to all who labor, whether or not they love it…According to this way of thinking, labor is not something one does for compensation, but an act of self-love…It’s real achievement is making workers believe their labor serves the self and not the marketplace.” In the darkest way possible, the author makes a logical point. By validating what Maslow’s triangle says about self-fulfillment being a part of human nature, it is only natural to assume that not only will the “DWYL” way of thinking will consume all of our focus by projecting it onto our own desire for self-actualization, but that we will not have enough focus to spare for others. Based on this observation, Tokumitsu makes the claim that the slogan “DWYL” opens people up to the thought that work should be for pleasure not wages. The author later backs up this claim by explaining the relationship the modern intern shares with the philosophy do what you love. “Instead of crafting a nation of self-fulfilled, happy workers, our DWYL era has seen the rise of the adjunct professor and the unpaid intern — people persuaded to work for cheap or free, or even for a net loss of

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