
Imagine having to be a child playing sexually with one another instead of being normal and playing

Decent Essays

Imagine having to be a child playing sexually with one another instead of being normal and playing with your toys or running outside in the playground. Aldous Huxley was a British writer considered by many as a visionary thinker who published a novel on Brave New World in 1952 right after World War I which impacted the world economy financially and emotionally. Brave new world takes place in London A.F. 632 nearly 600 years into the future. A.F. which is an abbreviated for After Ford, the name of the great industrialist who invented the assembly line and the mass production. Huxley’s purpose of his novel focused on defending a kind on how humanism scientific progression would hurt man kind. The novel brakes into the delineate of what a …show more content…

The director then explains to the students the process of which humans are grown and conditioned; it’s all a little disturbing from how it is seen. Just like the real world, there system is divided into alphas; deltas, betas, gammas, and epsilons, witch is scaled from richest to the poorest, and smartest to the dumbest. “The castes are distinguished by their clothing further dehumanizes them. To any member of the higher caste, ALL deltas look exactly the same” ( The castes are treated as dogs, being told how to dress and punished if they disobey. “Very nearly what’s going to happen to you young men. I was on the point of being sent to an island” Bernard said “you can’t send me I haven’t done anything” ( This proves that misbehavior or wanting to be different from others has a price to it, a price where one is to be abandoned in an island. No one can be different in brave new world, it is by demand that” everyone is to be like everyone else.”
“Feelings, passions, commitments, and relationships .Citizens of world state have no fathers, mothers, husbands, and wife’s, children or loved ones because such relationships that keep them from that of produced emotional instability, strife and unhappiness.”( Linda , lenina, Bernard ,Helmholtz and john live in a world of sexuality , drugs, and a social predestination where everyone is to be in a society and no one has their personal liberty. Soma considered as”

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