
Essay on Immigrants

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To accomplish the task of writing this Immigrant paper, I interviewed four individuals that immigrated here to the United States. I found one person who immigrated from china, one from Jamaica, and two from Italy. I found there to be quite a difference in each of the characters, especially from china to Italy. Matasja Liu is my interviewee from China. She came here with her husband about 25 years ago, because she was unsatisfied with her original country. She explained to me that china had oppressive policies, and “America sounded like a place where you could have a better future for your children and for yourself”. Matasja liked many things about America, including the ability to vote, the …show more content…

And now, twenty something years later, her and her husband, have 2 children in ivy league schools, live in a $900,000 home. Quite an impressive story would like to have that kind of ambition, to be so successful. Pasquali Fedo was my second interview. He is Italian great grandfather of a good friend of mine. When he came to this country, his last name changed from Fida, to Fedo. I diddn’t ask, but I think he might have changed it because he wasn’t proud of the name he was born with. Pasquali came to this country “to escape the bad parts of the family, who had done the family name in justice” Pasquali likes the USA because of the freedom. he likes the freedom to speak, the freedom to write, and just more freedom without fear. What he told me that he misses most about Italy, is the wine. Fedo says that it is more pure there. What he likes most about the United States is the government, he says it helps everyone, and he is very proud of it. In fact, he is very proud of this country all together, when I asked him what he dislikes, he could not tell me. What he said is “Nothing! This country loves one another” what Pasquala said to my question “What advice would you give to others who are coming to the USA, either from your own country or from other countries?” he replied: “do not bring your country with you, and never quit” Next

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