
Immigrants and Immigration - Blessing or Burden? Essay

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Immigrants and Immigration - Blessing or Burden?

Are immigrants a fortune of diversity, or a crushing burden? America has longed battled the issue about immigration. Today people in general have a very mixed feeling about the issue of immigration. Immigrants escaping from prosecution built the United States. Today, America firmly tries to solve many of our economical, political and social difficulties due to the burden of the thousand immigrants that enters the United States. Many people argue that immigrants steal jobs from the loyal Americans. Overcrowds schools, ruin health care system and abuse health and public and federal services. Michael Huffington, a former member of the U.S House of Representatives from California, explains: …show more content…

It said. ?In truth Immigrants workers stimulate local economies, create jobs and pay far more in taxes than they receive in public services. Those who oppose this theory conclude that immigrants displace more than 1 million natives in 1992, and those Americans displaced cost the U.S $6.1 billion dollars annually from immigrant competition. Both of these views were based on costs and unemployment, but another chapter in this issue, is the education element.

How far should we go to educate our immigrant?s children? As more Immigrants pour in the United States, more and more immigrant children enter the U.S schools. Many critics argue that educating immigrants are too expensive. All in all the U.S spends $175-200 million annually on bilingual programs. These bilingual programs cost $650 a year for each student. Keep in mind that there are over two million immigrant students enrolled in the U.S schools. Just think if the United States took $1 billion we spend educating illegal immigrants in California Schools, it would allow us to put anew computer on every 5th grader school desk. Still there are many factors that many people realize when constructing their opinion. When educating immigrant children we teach they laws and rules of the American country. When immigrants attend schools they are obligated to learn the American ways, and that will make them citizens and part of our

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