
Immigration Argumentative Analysis

Decent Essays

“With Asian and African undocumented communities comprising nearly 20 percent of the undocumented population” (Cho). Many people think that deporting Immigrants would make the United States a better place. Deporting Immigrants out of the United States would not only cost a lot of money, it would also cause a lot of casualties like reducing the population. People say that Immigrants are bad for the economy because they could only bring trouble to the United States. In reality Immigrants don’t do anything but working hard to provide food for their family and themselves. Many Immigrants are getting deported each day by the government. Imagine how our lives would be without a single Immigrant someday. We would not live without Immigrants because …show more content…

Gordon Hanson, an acting dean and Pacific Economic Cooperation chair in International Economic Relations at the University of California, and a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research who wrote “Executive Power Can Still Affect Immigration Enforcement” states that whenever an Immigrant crosses the U.S.- Mexican border without permission or any rights, the Unites States has the right to remove them immediately. Hanson further on explains that raising the stakes could eventually reduce the number of Immigrants and their Visa’s can be taken away. Gordon Hanson agrees when he writes, “Actions include conducting more surprise raids of farms and factories where undocumented migrants are known to work, more aggressively pursuing fines on employers found to have hired undocumented Immigrants, engineering longer delays in obtaining a green card”. Gordon specifies that the United States does not need to deal with Immigrant problems. The government could take many actions to remove Immigrants. The government has no reason to remove Immigrants out of the United States. Many Immigrants have been residents for years and are green card holders which makes them to be allowed in America. Immigrants come here to have a better life and find job. Immigrants don’t do anything to disturb the public which is no reason to deport them. Immigrants take very hard jobs that no regular citizen would not take. The government should not be focused on Immigrants and not try to disturb them because they are just trying to have a wonderful life. Even though the government can deport Immigrants, there are many people who support their

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