
Immigration Has Increased Through Out The Years And President Trump

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Immigration has increased through out the years and President Trump has made controversial statements regarding those who are undocumented in this country. Time during his campaign, and up to his presidency, has become a heightened scrutiny for undocumented immigrants; perhaps, mainly Hispanics. Hockenberry and Puzzanchera (2016) define them as “a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race” (p3). I identify myself as a Hispanic because I was raised in Honduras, the heart of Central America, and I understand the climax that immigrants from these countries attempt to flee from. Thus, my interest in exploring more in depth the contact that Hispanic youth have with …show more content…

The RRI compares the rates of juvenile justice contact experienced by different groups of youth.
In the results of the analysis done by Hockenberry and Puzzanchera (2016), the RRI portrayed significance difference amongst the three ethnic groups. This comparison of the RRI is done through a simple formula: the number of an ethnic group is divided by the number of another ethnic group, considering the same entry point in the system. For example, the number court referrals done to Hispanic youth were compared between those done to white youth and black youth. As a result, researchers noticed that Hispanic youth were more likely than white, but less likely than black youth, to be referred to juvenile court. Additionally, across offense categories, Hispanic youth were more likely than white youth or black youth to be adjudicated delinquent (p 10 – 11).
Thus, the focus of my paper is not how to reduce delinquency amongst Hispanic youth, rather, it is how to reduce Disproportionate Minority Confinement (DMC). Therefore, I used the work of researchers Spinney, Cohen, Feyerherm, Stephenson, Yeide, and Hopps (2016) which focuses on nine jurisdictions whom managed to reduce the disproportionate minority contact in their Juvenile Justice system. These jurisdictions had to portray a consistent positive movement in their DMC data over three consecutive years.

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