
Immigration : The American Industrial Revolution

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In the early 17th century, the American Industrial Revolution sent the United States forward in social, political, and economic innovations. Soon after America had been taking strides in development, immigration became commonplace. Immigrants saw opportunities for themselves in America, and wanted to improve their lives in other impoverished countries by offering their services of any kind of labor in the United States. While immigrants contributed greatly to the Industrial Revolution, a variety of issues arose in their lives as the immigrant population climbed. Since they were willing to take any job, foreigners often provided cheap labor, which made them easy to take advantage of. Also, big businesses preferred desperate immigrants to comfortable natives, so immigrants became a hated group among Americans as well. As a result, immigration at the turn of the century was particularly different and strenuous for immigrants because they endured unhealthy and crowded living areas and endure exclusion from the U.S government and citizens. To thrive through these harsh conditions, immigrants formed communities consisting of people of their own race and culture and shaped their own culture rather than attempting to follow the Americans’ way of life.
American immigrants were often treated with no worth due to their low status, so they were often forced to live in discomfort and filth, becoming very susceptible to disease. Their homes were called tenement housings, which was a way

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