
Immigration To America By Pablo Salazar

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Can we, as American citizens, really understand the struggles of immigrants coming to our country? What they lose and what they gain? How our offensive and insensitive words affect them? The answers to these questions can be answered through the photo album created in this text, full of images from the life of Pablo Salazar, displaying his experiences as an American immigrant from Guatemala. This poem explores the questions presented by utilizing Pablo’s own words and views as answers. Through an intensive interview with him, I sought to understand his struggles and how the stereotype of an immigrant has shaped his identity and placement in American society. From there, I created a creative piece that I felt properly encompassed how he sees …show more content…

For Pablo, his home country was Guatemala, where his family and traditions lie. However, he and his mother immigrated to America in order to find new opportunities, as many other immigrants do. The poem creates the feeling of division between the two homes, with stark differences. To Pablo, Guatemala represents a “single body” full of family and connection, which is displayed in the discussion of family and identification with culture. Contrastingly, America represents “hope, a better life, / a better future, a better me” for Pablo. America offers him opportunities that would be entirely too difficult to achieve in his home country. Guatemala represents his past, while America is a part of his future. However, as he grows older, America becomes more and more of his identity, and he loses parts of him, especially memories, that make him truly feel Guatemalan. And so, he is torn between his idealizations of his two homes, and they each affect his identity …show more content…

This is apparent in Humanimal by Bhanu Kapil, in which the speaker’s experience in India focuses on the citizens of India, and their obsession with her ethnicity. At one moment in the collection, the speaker is persistently asked by a police escort, “Are you Indian?... Madam, are you France? Are you American? I think you are born in a different country” (Kapil 18). The question of ethnicity comes up several times because people find it important to classify people with their ethnicity. This focus on ethnicity is paralleled in Pablo’s life and the creative piece. I decided to include the idea that he is torn between associating himself with the “people who share / A country with me, or the people who share / Skin Color” in the poem to display the internal conflict faced by immigrants. Your race and ethnicity become defining characteristics of who you are, whether or not you fit into the stereotypes your place of origin is put into. For instance, people automatically look at Pablo and decide he is Mexican and make racist remarks towards him, characterizing him with the ethnicity others presume him to be. They assume him to be Mexican, and while he is of Latino ethnicity, he finds offense in the automatic assumption that he is from Mexico. If with immigrants, such as the speaker of Humanimal and Pablo, people would stop insisting to assume

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