
Immigration in the Workplace

Good Essays

Scott Westfall
Immigration in the Workplace
Over than 10 million illegal immigrants live in the United States, and 1,400 more arrive every day (Katel). Seeing the great economic opportunity in the U.S. immigrants cross the border to work low wage jobs and begin a new life. While illegal immigrants only take up a small 5 percent of the United states workforce, these illegal aliens take up American jobs, threaten national security, and ruin culture because the refuse to assimilate (Katel). Many agree in this debate that the presence of so many immigrants actually boost our economy. Illegal immigration raises difficult questions about the American economy and how the country continues to seek low wage labor while …show more content…

With no penalty in place large business and even small home owners have no reason to not hire cheap labor through illegal immigrants. A big part of the argument that the corporations have is that some Americans will not want to do the more blue-collar work that the majority of the illegal immigrants do. This is true to some extent. But when an American man or American woman is hungry and jobless, they will wish that they had that job. The United States has an unemployment rate of 9.8% (Recession). Also, this great country has over 310,000,000 Americans living in her borders (Census). That means that 30 million Americans are jobless. The illegal immigrants represent 5% of the workforce and have jobs that those 30 million Americans do not have (Katel). If the economy is ever going to improve, then the unemployment rate will need to go down. This means that those employers hiring those illegal immigrants will have to stop hiring illegal immigrants and hire U.S. citizens. Another major concern for native born Americans is the constant reshaping of American culture to fit in with the immigrant’s culture. For example many parts of Texas and California have become both Spanish and English speaking towns. Schools now require multiple years of foreign language and many companies would like for their employers to be bi-lingual. While this helps broaden our horizon as a

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