
Impacts of Climate Change on Biodiversity in Northern Canada

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Topic: impacts of climate change on biodiversity in Northern Canada

Climate change, as a change in weather like global warming, has attracted the attention of the public. The issue of climate change has been becoming a global focus of attention for people around the world. Most scientists think that climate change is primarily caused by human activities. Temperature and precipitation shifts directly affect biota, and scientists think that as the climate continues to change, the biodiversity in Northern Canada is particularly at risk. Because global warming can result in the decreasing of marine, freshwater and terrestrial communities, climate change has negative influences on biodiversity in Northern Canada. In order to conserve the …show more content…

As a result, the biodiversity of freshwater species is seriously affected by climate change.

Not only the marine environment and the freshwater communities, but the terrestrial species are also impacted by climate change. The number of plant species has been decreasing. Prowse et. al, (2009b, p.284) report that temperature and precipitation change will lead to the change in the composition of flora communities, and this can result in the loss of plant species. Also, Lemieux & Scott (2005, p.393) state that there is a wide decline in the taiga biome, thus, the global warming directly impact the biodiversity of plant species. Climate change can also influence the birds ' growth rate as well. Lower birds ' growth rates and adult body mass occurred in the north (Prowse et. al, 2009b, p.286). Additionally, the caribou activities are threatened by climate change as well. According to the report from Prowse et. al. (2009b, p.285), owing to global warming, the incidence of parasitic infection happens more frequently and the forage has been decreasing in winter; these trends result in the decline in numbers of caribou. Moreover, the impact of climate change on the permafrost seems to be serious. Discontinuous permafrost will disappear at the southern boundaries of these permafrost zones, and the continuous permafrost will degrade to the discontinuous permanent; that can result in some lakes and wetlands turning to drain (Prowse et. al, 2009a, p.268). The

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