
Imperialism In The Pacific Essay

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This section, Ch. 4 Sec. 1, was based upon Imperialism, specifically imperialism in the Pacific, hence the title of the section “Imperialism in the Pacific”. As expressed in the section, during the 19th century, imperialism in America was flourishing, becoming a major aspect of America and initializing America as an Imperial Power nation. Imperialism is the policy in which stronger nations extend their economic, political, or military control over weaker nations, through annexation and establishing colonies overseas. The progression of Imperialism in America was due to the fact that many people and American leaders wanted United States to join in and gain on the power of imperialism, as many other countries did, by imperialising the pacific …show more content…

The expansion of America or imperialism began by imposing American control westward to the Pacific Coast and taking control over that. Once America had attained and prevailed the Pacific Coast, they then moved on to striving for imperialism on nations beyond the borders, which is where Alaska and Hawaii come into play. Alaska, which now is a current state of the United States, was officially annexed in 1884 when purchased under a $7.2 million deal arranged by the Secretary of State under Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Jackson, William Seward. A man who, at the time, was criticized a great deal but now thanked since the purchase of this territory was such a bargain with the United States acquiring a land rich in timber, minerals, and oil. Next came the annexation of Hawaii, which was more complex than Alaska, who was just purchased. Instead, the imperialism of Hawaii began in the early 1800’s when American missionaries moved to Hawaii to influence or convert people to

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