
Importance Of Naturalism In An Episode Of War And The Mystery Of Heroism

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Naturalism is “a philosophical viewpoint according to which everything arises from natural properties and causes.” A Naturalist is “a person who practices naturalism in art or literature.” Stephen Crane is a famous writer during the Naturalism movement, and best develops Naturalist beliefs throughout his stories. Naturalists believe an individual’s life is determined by environment, chance, and heredity. They also believe free will is an illusion, survival of the fittest and natural selection govern people as well as nature, and people resort to the animal within during crisis situations. Naturalists also believe people should endure their suffering with quiet dignity. Stephen Crane uses characters, setting, plot, and conflict to develop Naturalist themes in “An Episode of War,” and “A Mystery of Heroism.” In “An Episode of War,” the setting of the story is a battlefield during the Civil War. The outcome of being shot on the battlefield is unpredictable, which enhances the Naturalist’s belief that life is determined by chance. When the lieutenant gets shot in “An Episode of War,” he reacts rather slowly to the situation, and tries to help himself. His companions were offering to help him, and “One timidly presented his shoulder and asked the lieutenant if he cared to lean upon it, but the latter waved him away mournfully.” (510) The lieutenant portrays the Naturalist belief that people should endure their suffering with quiet dignity when he does not accept help from his

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