
Importance Of Place In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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Place. Home. Where we should go with our life. These are things that we constantly ask ourselves in life. But the truth is, we do not know. How can we tell what we are supposed to do? Out of all the things you look at, read, and talk about, only about eighty percent of the information coming to you is from your eyesight alone. Think of something someone just told you verbally. You’re only remembering about ten percent, now if there was a picture or object along with what you were told, you would have remembered sixty-five percent. That in itself should show just how important your eyes are to us. In the book Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, the main character Victor Frankenstein and the Monster are constantly using their eyes throughout the story, and fight for a ‘belonging’ in the world as well. Our place in the world is something that many scholars and people discuss. We want to know what our purpose is. A lot of the time, people spend their time looking for something to motivate them and show them the right path for their life. Our brains remember sixty five of what we see. Because of this, people base many of their opinions and thoughts on things we see. Our place is a complex thing. And we go about finding our place, …show more content…

And Victor becomes obsessed with making someone come back to life. It is especially common for people to question their place when they lose a loved one. Victor making ‘life’ as it were, is probably a way for him to cope with the loss of his mother. He spends forever doing research, finding bones and muscle tissues. And then, he finally has enough to make his ‘person’. After the process of making the Monster, Victor looks at it and is horrified by its dreadful appearance. His eyes are a dull yellow and paralyzed Victor with fear. He wants to destroy the creature but is not sure how and instead flees his apartment. The Monster departs from the apartment before Victor returns and wanders around

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