
Importance Of Reading

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The Importance of Reading
Growing up throughout the years it goes from teachers reading books to your class to books getting assigned to you to read independantly. Most of the books assigned would be so boring and pointless to read. Normally when I got assigned a book I would just read through it trying to comprehend some parts of it. I never tried to enjoy it or show an interest in the book. Reading to me was not something I ever enjoyed doing. I did not like reading for pleasure and for class assignments because I did not think there was a point. When I was reading independent books for pleasure, or an assignment I would think to myself, “Why, why, why… do we need to do this.” Reading to me seemed like a waste of time, until my senior …show more content…

Mrs. Daniels explained to me I would be making a mistake, because the teacher for this course is one of the best teachers at school. Later on Mr. Garland would win best teacher of the year for the yearbook. So I decided to try the class out because it was a college class. I figured that's what I needed going into college in the months to come.
Turns out my counselor, Mrs. Daniels was right. This class was exactly what I needed to increase my vocabulary skills and start enjoying reading. Since the reading was a requirement for the class, I told myself I needed to read the books to understand it and enjoy what I was reading. Mr. Garland picked out the first book, and then let us pick from a series of books for the next five books to come. The first book we read was called “The Bluest Eyes” by Toni Morrison. As most people know this book is a classic, but at times can be confusing. We had to finish the whole book in two weeks. I thought that task would be nearly impossible, but Mr. Garland made it seem possible by letting us have time in class to read it. We also discussed in groups what was going on in the book to make it a tad bit more understandable.Reading for the first time was fun instead of a chore. As the semester went on, I never had to force myself to read any of the books that were assigned to us, but the last few months sometimes were hard to find any motivation as a senior. Mr.

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