
Importance Of Student Learning On The English Language Arts Smarter Balanced Assessment

Decent Essays

Student Learning Outcome 1
• In the 2017 school year, only 63.40% of West Shore Middle School students achieved their target (average percentage of target achieved) on the English Language Arts Smarter Balanced Assessment. By the 2018 school year, 70% - 75% of West Shore Middle School students will achieve their target (average percentage of target achieved) on the English Language Arts Smarter Balanced Assessment.
Student Learning Outcome 1 Rationale
• Prior to the start of this school year, I collaborated with my leadership team to develop our SCIP plan. Through that process we identified the district goal that aligned to our school focus. Goal # 1B: All students will be able to identify valuable information, research across multiple …show more content…

I will plan and implement professional learning around the smarter balance claims in English Language Arts. In turn, I will collaborate with the instructional supervisor in English Language Arts to support her district level work on the building level.
Student Learning Outcome 1 Strategies and Action Plan
• My first step was to develop a professional development experiences around the English Language Arts Smarter Balance assessment. I posed the question to my staff, “How can we utilize Arts Smarter Balance assessment data and instructional resources, digital library, to increase student performance? In the quest to answer that professional learning essential question, I collaborated with my leadership team to plan and implement a professional learning experience that assist teachers in gaining a robust understanding of English Language Arts Smarter Balance assessment sample items by claim in reading in order to utilize them throughout their curriculum.
• My second step was to focus the next professional learning experience around staff working collaboratively in their grade level teams and departments to have staff familiarize themselves with the Smarter Balance claims and vocabulary in English Language Arts, examine scores within grade level teams and departments English Language Arts

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