
Importance Of The Declaration Of Independence

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Molly Adler Mrs. Lammers 8th Grade History 13 November 2017 Unit Essay 1: The Declaration of Independance. Governments are created to protect people’s natural rights,which are life liberty and property. During the 1770’s the king was making many unjust laws and he was becoming a tyrant. The Declaration of Independence states,”That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is Right of the People to alter or abolish it…” And that is exactly what the colonists did. At this time the French and Indian War had just ended with Britain as a victor. This victory costed Britain a lot of money so as a result they began to tax the colonists. The colonists decided to become independent because the king was creating unjust taxes and creating unfair laws and he wasn’t protecting the colonists natural rights. One reason that the colonists used to justify independence was that the king imposed unjust taxes and unjust trade laws on the colonists.The French and Indian war had just ended and the Treaty of Paris had just been created. The king created many taxes or acts such as the Sugar Acts, the Stamp Act, the Tea Act, and the Navigation Acts as a result of the French and Indian War. The colonists were very mad because this was taxation without representation, which means that the colonists weren’t able to choose representatives that could go to parliament to vote on the taxes and to voice the colonists concerns. As a result of their anger, the colonists

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