
Impressive Visit to Nebraska Humane Society Essay

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As a class we had the opportunity to visit the Nebraska Humane Society, personally, this was the first time I was able to visit NHS. I can honestly say that I was extremely impressed, and was not expecting the level of service and dedication that was provided at the shelter. The NHS is a private non-profit organization and receives no federal funding. The current building was completed in 2000. The 65,000sq ft building is an exceptional facility, and is the largest shelter facility in Nebraska. Currently, NHS can house a minimum of 500 animals, including dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, rats, bunnies, and non-venomous reptiles. Online the NHS showcases various horses and donkeys that currently live in volunteer foster homes, awaiting …show more content…

The facility has not had to euthanize a healthy dog due to lack of space for several years. Programs have been developed such as the “special needs fund,” which allows for expensive medical treatment, rehabilitation, and adoption for many dogs who may not of had that opportunity in previous years. However, cats provide additional challenges due to overpopulation issues. Last year approximately 800 treatable-rehabilitable/manageable cats had to be euthanized. However, programs such as the trap/neuter/release program, foster care in private homes, PetSmart and veterinary clinic housing/adoptions, and free cat adoption incentives greatly reduced the overwhelming difficulties with housing/adopting cats (Nebraska Humane Society, 2014).
When stray animals are found, they are kept in specialized kennels for 3-5 days. After the mandated time, if no one has claimed the animal then they are placed in the adoption program. There is no time limit for an animal to be adopted, and NHS even provides obedience training to pets in the adoption program. Once the animal is adopted, additional measures such as Manners N’ More Obedience classes for the owner and pet are provided, as well as access to the free behavior helpline in order to help with any problems that the new family may encounter while

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