
Improving Student Motivation And Performance Are Improved With Active Learning And Student Centered Teaching Strategies

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Strategies to Increase Nursing Student Motivation Traditional education viewed students as “passive recipients of face-to-face instructor designed and led classes (McGarry, Theobald, Lewis, & Coyer, 2015, p. 967). The researchers understood the challenges nurse educators faced in engaging students and cultivating new nursing graduates with skills benefitting societal and professional sustainability. The aim of this paper is to determine by integrative review whether nursing student motivation and performance are improved with active learning and student-centered teaching strategies. Active learning strategies such as reflection, simulation, and feedback can increase motivation to learn in nursing students. It is important to acknowledge successful teaching strategies, which improve student motivation and performance. Stimulating and sustaining student motivation through teaching strategies fosters a personal as well as a professional perspective of the nursing profession (Wilkes, Cowin, and Johnson, 2015). Strategies developed with a student-centered foundation in active and flexible learning improve motivation and performance (McGarry et al, 2015; Leong & Clutter, 2015). Leong and Clutter (215) described active learning as “the ability of the nursing students to learn and practice their skills without being told, ordered, or pushed” (p. 39). Does incorporating non-traditional teaching strategies improve student motivation and performance among nursing students? If

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