IGN (In Game Name): TissueBox If you'd like to view my previous In-Game names, please view the link to the right -> https://www.namemc.com/profile/TissueBox.7
Age: 14
Timezone: I'm in the Central TimeZone | CDT
Country: United States.
Do you have a good quality mic?: Yes (Blue Yeti Microphone)
Do you have Telegram & Teamspeak?: Yes, I'll be glad to personal message my Telegram if needed.
How many hours can you put in the server per week: My schedule will be listed down below.
Monday: 2-4 Hours
Tuesday: 2-4 Hours
Wednesday: 4-6 Hours
Thursday: 2-4 Hours
Friday: 5-8 Hours
Saturday: 4-7 Hours
Sunday: 2-3 Hours.
Any previous punishments on FenixMC?: Yes, I'm positive I did get false banned by the anti-cheat as I was drag clicking. I did get
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WarfineHCF (Position: Trial-Mod): When I was staff on the server, screensharing was a huge thing because hackers were infested. Since this was the first server I was a staff member on, I trained myself to become one of the most screensharers on the Network. The server did sadly gone from HCF to Factions than it shutdown. After that I've always worked myself to find ghost clients considering it's a huge thing now. It has been a while since I've screenshared so if I do get accepted, I would like to have a fresh start and grow my screensharing skills.
Why do you want to become staff?: I feel it's my duty to help keep the great community clean of spam, toxicity, and just misconduct. I love to play FenixMC but as everybody knows Hardcore Factions can be repetitive at points. I feel like being a proud staff member would make me play more actively as I'd have more responsibility now and would dedicate much more time than I already do. I love the community on FenixMC and would love to help see it grow, I'm not here for the short term and am a dedicated loyal staff member, if the server goes into a slump I'll be their to help through its rebuilding. But as to why I want staff, I'd love to help clean the toxic community minecraft in general had turned to. I love a good bit of small, but excessive amounts like using spam bots, racism, or passing the lines isn't good and I want to be there to stop it.
How many hours can you put in the server a week: One way I can benefit the server if I will be on the server a lot and be active as much as i can be here are my weekly hours I can play:
Yes I have teamspeak (I just downloaded it) I don't have a mic yet (I can still talk though).
I do not use teamspeak since I feel like my computer is too bad to handle anything besides Minecraft and the internet. But I am getting a better computer soon so I will download Teamspeak when I get it. But the main answer to the question is. I am not active on Teamspeak.
- I'd like to become staff for one general reason, and that's of course to help. This statement branches off into numerous reasons, of course depending upon what server I'd be moderating. To start off, let me include that the server I play most is OP Factions. My main goal for this server is to make it a larger and more well known community. Aside from that, I'd like to stable an environment where rules are followed at all times. As we know, OP Factions is one of the smaller servers, and players at times take advantage of that to disobey rules when there are no staff online. If I was added to the staff team, I would be there to kick/mute the players that constantly advertise, use racism, or the one player that camps warp pvp with hacks.
Do you have Slack/Teamspeak/Skype?: ( A working Mic are required) Yes, I do have all the applications listed and use them regularly! I own a Blue Yeti Microphone, which is very high quality!
Do you have Slack/Teamspeak/Skype?: ( A working Mic are required) I have both and a working microphone!
Do you have Telegram & Teamspeak?: Yes, I do and I will spend a lot of time in the faithful ts to help out as much as I can. I will also check telegram regularly.
How active are you on TeamSpeak? Currently I’m not active on TeamSpeak at all because I don’t have the accessories to use the software and I have a quite noisy house, however I will try to become active when I acquire my own laptop.
Do you have Telegram & Teamspeak?: I do not have telegram, but I do have teamspeak.
I have alot of experience being staff, I was staff on OxPvP for well over 3 months (Maybe more), I was a Moderator on there, I have very thorough experience SSing people meaning I'm capable of finding any sort of client they might hide, I was also a moderator on an old Hexxit modpack server a long long time ago haha.
Ok, let's get started. I want to become a staff member simply because I love to help people. I sometimes see people asking questions that unfortunately do not get answered. I strive to help people in need, whether if it is help for a command, information on the server, or in need of a staff member. I do my best even when I have limited power and impact on the players. With having a lot of experience with owning and being staff on servers under my belt, I will carry that over to this server and help you guys out! Personally, I think my leadership and decision making skills are great and can benefit the server in many ways. While striving to be a role model to the players, I do not cuss, swear, refer to inappropriate things. I have ways of interrogation for when I think members are hacking/modding and have crafty ways of "tricking" them into admission of hacking!
Also, I want to be a staff member on this server as I want to meet new people on the team speak and get to know them and speak and hopefully remember them in the future. Another reason on why I want to become a staff member on this server because I usually play this server when I have time and not at work I'm a friendly guy I have good grammar so people will understand me when I'm typing to them. I jump straight to the point when it comes to someone hacking but in a respectful way I will always give someone the chance to admit and if they are being an idiot about and making fun out of me then I will proceed and do the job that I'm on this server
- As I said before I can multitask well which will benefit the players by me always being in Teamspeak and in game helping players.
lives up to expectations that they need been operating for a substantial length of your time and to restart
I would like to become a staff of this server because I love watching people have fun meeting new friends and just having fun but... There are bad sides to this... There are hackers. So I think that I have what it takes to become a helper and get rid of spammers, hackers and people who just make the server an unpleasent place to be I believe I can fix this. I am on minecraft a lot because I am a no-life I am on this server a lot too. I am fully dedicated 24/7 to helping this server to grow even bigger and be the positively best server ever (which it already is). I also, as mentioned before, have a LOT of experience screen sharing people and I think that there are not currently enough staff on this great server. There are also few staff on-line in my time zone, meaning that hackers can get away with hacking during English day time, and I wish to fix this by becoming staff and helping out.