
In Ian Frazier's Essay In Praise Of Margins

Decent Essays

In Ian Frazier’s article called “In Praise of Margins,” the author argues that the whole world is “jammed” up, and that people need “Marginal” spaces and activities to gain relief from our hectic lives. People have to work to earn money, as said money, is used to pay for bills, food, and sometimes to earn even more money. It seems like people never have time to have fun or to be care-free. Frazier says that ”Marginal” activities are things that have no reason behind them like taking a stroll in the woods, or stepping on pieces of ice on the ground just to hear the crack beneath your feet. ”Marginal” activities are something that everyone should consider for their own daily lives because Frazier values both the creativity and the relief that come from “Marginal” activities. I must agree with Frazier, especially because “Marginal” activities can help people relax from their hectic lives. In my own experience, “Marginal” activities help me when I was still going to high school, it wasn’t tough, but I was overwhelmed at the large amount of work I had to do. …show more content…

When I was a kid, I had no responsibility. When I was kid, I did “Marginal” activities all the time, such as, playing with my toys, sleeping all day, running around the house, and blowing bubbles. All good things must come to an end. People grow up. They have a responsibility to keep in order to keep on living in their society. It doesn`t mean that people can`t have fun, once a while. I usually do something when I have nothing else to do. The ”Marginal” activities I like to do are reading a novel, playing video games, walking around the house, and/or just stare at the waves of the ocean, contemplating on my

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