
In The Long Run Boundaries Keep The Good And Bad Out Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Argumentative Essay “In the long run, boundaries keep the good in and the bad out.”-Unknown Author. In my Opinion Having boundaries means someone setting the rules for you and having no boundaries means doing whatever you want to do or having no rules set. I think having boundaries is more important than having no boundaries. When boundaries and limited there is a small risk of getting hurt, parents set strict boundaries for there kids, when you don't set boundaries bad things can happen. First, Ponyboy’s boundaries were very limited and he had lots of rules. Ponyboy had very strict rules and Darry set lots of boundaries so Pony wouldn’t get into trouble and they were barely at risk of getting hurt. In The Outsiders it says “Ever since our parents died Darry has set down the rules and is being very strict and yelling at me”… “Darry only yells at you because he wants you to stay safe and he cares about you.”Another piece of text evidence is “When I saw Darry at the hospital he ran up and hugged me and then I knew why he set those boundaries ... Because he didn't want to lose me. This proves that boundaries are good for you because Ponyboy had boundaries and he barely got hurt in the book. …show more content…

Ever since Darry, Ponyboy and Sodapop’s parents died when they were young so Darry set lots of boundaries for them so they don't get into trouble. In the book its says that Darry set many boundaries and Ponyboy and Soda followed those boundaries. Most of the other greasers do not have boundaries but the Curtis family has set rules which is being an individual. This proves boundaries being good because the Curtis family did not get into trouble unless the were being loyal to their friends and then they would do anything to

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