
Incident Scenarios

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On 05/31/17, at 12:20pm, I was dispatched to 909 Midland Ave on possible nuisance dog, owner known. I was advised by Franklin County Animal Care and Control (FCACC) Dispatcher Deputy Warden L. Dixon, that the caller witnessed the incident involving the mailman and a neighbor’s dog. I arrived at the location and was flagged down by United States Postal Service (USPS) mailman Ron Reese. Mr. Reese stated that he was advised prior that the dogs at 900 Midland Ave were not residing at that location anymore due to prior incident of the pit bulls chasing USPS employees. Mr. Reese stated he was delivering mail to the location when a blue pit bull charged at him as to attack. Mr. Reese backed away towards the street and the dog proceeded to follow …show more content…

The female occupant stated that her brother and girlfriend owned the dog involved in the incident. The female occupant stated that her brother is on his way home. At approximately 1:00pm dog owners James Roberson and Haley Stanley arrived at the location. Mr. Roberson proceeded to walk by me and head to the backyard of the resident. I spoke to Ms. Stanley and advised her of the situation. She asked if there will be violations, I stated that there will be due to the incident involving the USPS employee. She stated that she would accept the violations. I went to my vehicle and proceeded to issue her the necessary violations. As I was in the process of completing the documents, Mr. Roberson brought two pit bulls one blue and the other brindle to my vehicle stating he will be releasing the dogs to me. At this point Mr. Roberson sister from the front poach of the residents starts yell and scream at Mr. Roberson for surrendering his dog. Mr. Roberson returns to the house, where a physical altercation ensues between Mr. Roberson his family and girlfriend. I requested FCACC Dispatcher Deputy Warden L. Dixon contacted the Columbus Division of Police (CPD) for

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