
Incorporating Congestion Control in BGP Considering Its Economic & Policy Effects

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IV. Research Methodology Firstly, implement a normal BGP topology in a multi-AS environment. The topology will consist of ten Autonomous Systems and BGP will have all the possible paths from which the packet can be delivered from the source to the destination and it will select the best path on the basis of path attributes. Thereafter, simulate a congested BGP scenario by congesting a particular AS by continuously flooding stream of data and observe the traffic pattern causing delay and packet loss. To observe the traffic pattern, simulate different BGP congestion scenarios between peer-peer, customer-ISP, and ISPs acting as transit for other ISPs. Secondly, implement the topology on ITGURU using its in-built BGP module. Once the …show more content…

The RTT is then used to compute mean and standard deviation, which gives the congestion threshold. Any node whose bandwidth consumption exceeds the threshold is identified as the point of congestion. As soon as the source node recognizes the congestion node, it generates a data field consisting of 1s and 0s, which is carried by the IP packet. The string pattern decides which node is meant to deflect the traffic onto the alternate path. Traffic is then forwarded on the alternate path and best path concurrently based on their round-trip times. Thirdly, simulate one of the above mechanisms in the same BGP scenario and analyze the traffic patterns to compare average end-to-end delay, average packet loss rate, and average throughput between traditional BGP and congestion-controlled BGP. Lastly, conduct interviews with the experts from ISPs to know their viewpoints over a possible integration of congestion-control mechanism into BGP. Also, interview the experts from gaming companies, who base their business on inbound traffic. Since, Internet is a business for ISPs, diverting traffic onto other outbound links based on congestion scenarios may not be acceptable to them. ISPs may not want customer data traffic to travel over their outbound links, which does not pay them for the link usage. The interviews will help analyze the industry standpoint on

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