
Increasing Levels Of Carbon Dioxide

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Increasing levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) have created problematic oceanic conditions that are detrimental towards the livelihood of coral reefs and other marine biota. The high levels of CO2 lead to a decline of ocean pH among other issues such as dramatic changes in oceanic make-up and chemistry. Statistics and data collected has shown that ocean acidification will not only increase but accelerate over the next century. The ocean takes in about 1/3 of anthropogenic carbon added to the atmosphere. Anthropogenic carbon refers to the excess CO2 added to the ocean and atmosphere from human fossil fuel combustion, agriculture, and deforestation. Although much of the damage from human fossil fuel combustion is irreversible, if emissions are decreased dramatically ocean acidification may be constrained. Human fossil fuel combustion, agriculture, and deforestation also increase the atmospheric content of strong acids and bases such as HNO3, H2SO4, and NH3, which decrease the alkalinity of water as well as pH levels and the amount of dissolved inorganic carbon. Total alkalinity refers to the conserved thermodynamic measure of seawater acid-base chemistry that is equal to the charge difference between cations and anions. These byproducts of anthropogenic activity are only responsible for a small amount of the oceanic acidification, but are denser in coastal waters where the responses can more closely affect humans. This is relevant because policies will need to be created in

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