
India And China 's World 's Oldest Civilization Essay

Decent Essays

India and China are two of the world’s oldest civilization and they have shared a long history of cultural, scientific and economic linkages. In this day and age considering the recent GDP numbers from China and India: Beijing (Capital of China) says its ‘grew by a respectable 6.7% in the first three months of 2016, while New Delhi (Capital of India)reported a remarkable 7.9% expansion in the same period. Together (India and China) they account for 16% of the world GDP, or about $13trillion. But the World Bank only showed the growth of 2.5% in its latest outlook. (CNN)

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China and India they both have bureaucracy systems created by history and tradition. Since the establishment of China’s market in foreign investors in 1978 and India’s market in 1991, they have slowly been, moving from centrally planned economic system towards decentralization. However, in spite of their continuous movement in order to provide a business environment, some significant problems still exist.
After realizing that foreign investment are the key source of

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