
Indian Voting System Using Electronic Voting Machine

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Indian Voting System using Electronic Voting Machine (EVM)
Introduction: Traditionally a voting machine has been defined by mechanism of the system to cast votes and categorized by the location where the system calculates and show the votes. With advances in technology EVM came into existence. This system in which citizens interact to cash their ballets that is common parlance to electronic ballet marking system, when the voter makes his or her choices, provides to verify their casted votes the mechanism used in this is DRE (Direct Recording Electronic System). Primarily the EVM’S are manufactured by BEL (Bharath Electronics Limited) and ECIL (Electronics Corporation of India Limited). It ensures flawless voting and thus has become more widespread. Retains all characteristic of voting while making it more beneficial.
History of EVM: In India all the earlier elections is done by putting the stamp against candidate name and folding the ballot paper and dropping into a box. This is time consuming process and very much prone to errors until EVM came into existence, EVM’s are manufactured in 1989-90 and are first used in experimental basis in 16 assembly constituencies in 1998. In 1980 Mr. MB Haneefa designed the first voting machine. In 2014 elections, Election Commission of India introduced NOTA (None of the above) option in EVM’s.This is the latest improvements in EVM.

Working of EVM: EVM consists of two units, they are ballot unit and control unit Fig :

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