
India's Ban on Tobacco

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Following the harmful addiction of marijuana and cocaine, tobacco is becoming more dangerous and damaging drug in the world. Due to its increasing effect in deteriorating health and death tolls on humans, it has become the main concern for many governments and forced them to act and take measures to minimize the damage caused by tobacco products. One typical example of these authorities is the Indian government. For this session of written assignment, I will analyze a case study of ban on tobacco Ads by Indian government.
By 2001 the government of India announced for the banning of Tobacco companies from advertising their products and sponsoring sports and cultural events. This was primarily aimed at reducing tobacco consumption and preventing new adolescents from being addicted to it. However, this announcement raised varied and polarized arguments for the support and against the ban on Tobacco Advertisements.
In Favor of a Ban
One argument for the ban on tobacco advertising is the need to protect public health. According to the WHO statistics, tobacco related deaths rose to 4.023 million in 1998 across the globe. And the main concern lies upon children and youngsters who used to be smokers. Children are attracted to try to smoke cigarette by seductive animated brands of product’s cover.
Besides, tobacco industry’s contribution to the nation’s health did not match the government expenditure to health care. They further argued, smokers, by damaging their health were

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