
Indigenous People In Latin America

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The last thirty years in Latin America has been marked by the struggle of the indigenous peoples from the Andes to the Amazon, Indigenous people have emerged as important political actors calling attention to the exclusions that continue to mark the democracies in which they live. Since the 1980s, indigenous peoples have demanded their right to political participation, pressuring nation states to broaden their understandings of the democracy. They’ve demanded self-determination and the freedom to make their own decisions about their forms of government and lands. Used classic tools of citizenship, media, non violent protests like Bolivia and more and more using ballot box. Evo Morales was the first indigenous president of South America in Bolivia …show more content…

They found incredible civilizations from the Aztecs to the Incas to the many millions of people in the Americas they found these incredible civilizations that absolutiely amazed them first hand accounts over the man who accompanied Cortez into what is now Mexico City marveled saying it was more beautiful than any capital in Europe but within a hundred years 90% of the continents people were dead from a combination of disease, violent labor pratices in war. The rest were enslaved forced to provide labor lands in tribute to the conquers and so its their descendants who are indeigenous peoples today, probably around 10% of the current pop. Of latin …show more content…

They took land and resouces and forced local people to serve them as laborers, servants, mistreses, and tribute pairs. The riches they claimed especially the gold and silver from aemricas mines fuled the industrial revolution which led Europe into prosperity but left the native peoples in a position of strutualr inewuality that theyre still fighting tot overcome. Over the following centuries, the benficiraires of the system, the Latin American elite, continue to exploit indigenous peoples but through very different measures, different menas, legal systems that have made inequality seem natural. Since the colonial era, Indians have been resisting oppression through outright rebellion as in the age of insurrection 1791 when huge armies of Andean natives led by Tupac Amaru from Peru and Tupac Katari from Bolivia almost overcoame the Spanish in Peru and Bolivia. In contemporary times, remote lands of indigenous peoples are under new threats because of the natural resources they hold precisely because these are the regions of refuge these are the areas that are under threat now. They hold minerals, natural gas, they have rivers that might bear hydro-electrc dams or forests to be logged. In most places in Latin America, the state holds the subsoil rights and can grant concessions to transnational corporations to exploit them without the permission of the owners of the land. Thus, one of he

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