
Indigent Compliances

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In your grievance filed at Huachuca Unit, you claim you are being denied indigent supplies. Your resolution is to receive the requested indigent supplies. Your grievance appeal has been reviewed at Central Office and the Deputy Warden's response is affirmed. Pursuant to DEPARTMENT ORDER 905 INMATE TRUST ACCOUNT/MONEY SYSTEM 905.04 HEALTH AND WELFARE INDIGENT INMATE ALLOWANCES 1.1 Health and Welfare Indigent Status 1.1.1 Inmates who did not have $12 available in their Spendable Account balance during the previous 30 calendar days may request Health and Welfare Indigent status by submitting an Application for Health and Welfare Indigent Status, Form 905-2, to their assigned Correctional Officer III, who shall ensure the form is complete.

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