
Individual Vs Society In The Lottery By Shirley Jackson

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Most people strive for individuality, the character of a particular person that distinguishes the person from the rest because we all want to be unique and stand out; however we have all been a victim of peer pressure, conforming or feeling obligated to follow what everyone else is doing just so we don’t feel left out or different whether the behavior was right or wrong. In The Lottery it asks the readers to think about the traditions and social norms that we usually don’t think about nor question. Shirley Jackson emphasizes the theme of “Individual versus Society” through the story’s setting, point of view, and symbolism.
The story takes place in a small civilized village on June 27th The day “was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of …show more content…

Rather than showing the readers the characters' thoughts or feelings, the narrator simply displays the progression of the lottery unfolding. This detachment from the characters allows the readers to see the overview of how the characters in the story seem nonchalant and brainwashed to think that sacrificing someone every year for an unknown reason is okay and humane. For example when the narrator says “the people had done it so many times that they only half listened to the directions” it emphasizes the casualty of the event. Another example is when Tessie Hutchinson is chosen and Mr. Summers says "All right, folks” “Let's finish quickly" it gives a chilling tone. Readers are able to see the theme, Tessie being the unlucky individual versus her whole community being the …show more content…

In the story, it is the man of the household who draws from the box in the beginning of the event unless under certain circumstances which represents conforming to a patriarchal society and even in today’s America it is a patriarchal society and there are groups which could symbolize the “individual” who fight for equality. Another example, is when the boys gather stones as if they were trained to do so which clearly represents conformity, the boys in a way are being taught to kill relating to today’s society with violent video games and media. The stones symbolizes each individual that makes up the society, by killing someone through stoning it allows everyone to participate because it is a crowd-generated event. Although the theme of “Individual versus Society” is a conflict where the individual is trying to promote positive change and society disagrees, in The Lottery, Tessie is the individual that realizes that this event "It isn't fair, it isn't right," only comes to this realization because she is the one who was chosen making her a hypocrite because it is safe to say that she participated last year and earlier years yet never said anything until now; symbolizing that even the individual is not always

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