
Individuality Vs Conformity Research Paper

Decent Essays

Conformity vs Individuality: The Disease You Can’t Escape From Everyone has the disease. Everyone is infected. No one can help you. Conformity. It’s in your blood. Conformity means you change yourself to please another, change the way you speak because everyone else is doing it--- even questioning yourself about what to do next since you feel the need to have people’s opinions. Unfortunately, there is no way to escape from this disease. Everyone should get out of their shell every once in awhile, but that still won’t help you. Once someone starts talking about conformity we all think to ourselves about how we are never a conformist, we never conform, and we stand out from others. Though, this is false. In fact, everyone conforms almost always …show more content…

He asks two students to go outside the classroom and to try to distract the other students from learning. After that, Shpancer tells the students in the classroom to ignore the two students; if they do this successfully then they get 10 points extra credit. Later, the two students tried getting everyone’s attention but failed. Shpancer called the two students and asked them how they felt when no one paid attention to them. The students replied with saying rejection, failure, and unloved. He then asked the students what the point of this was for. They all thought it was how they would feel in a nonconformist situation. They were wrong.
Shpancer finally told his student what the demonstration was about and the students were appalled. Eventually Shpancer told his students that this demonstration was about conforming to each other for no good reason. All the kids inside the classroom were paying attention to the teacher rather than their friends outside the classroom. They purposely ignored the two students just for ten extra credit points. They all conformed but if one person stood up and watched the two students out of the classroom than most likely the rest would

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