
What Was Done By The Faculty Member And / Or Students?

Decent Essays

1) Describe what happened in this class session. What was done by the faculty member and/or the students?
Ms. Connelly started class asking students that needed help with their homework to get it out. Some students opened their homework, but some did not. Ms. Connelly then began writing out and solving homework problems with an overhead projector. One student walked into class late, Ms. Connelly addressed it quickly with little disruption to the class. The student looked around the room and realized the other students had their homework out and he did the same. Ms. Connelly continued to work out homework problems step by step on the overhead projector. While doing this Ms. Connelly asked questions about the steps she used to solve the math equation and randomly called on students for the answers. After working out a few of the math problems Ms. Connelly asked the class if they understood how she solved the equations. A few students nodded their heads and then Ms. Connelly moved on solving the next equation. Ms. Connelly referenced a quiz that was coming up tomorrow in the students ' math classes and stated the homework problems will be on the quiz. The teacher then continued working out math problems and using question prompts to keep students engaged. While waiting for one student to answer another student called out the answer. Ms. Connelly addressed it and let the student know that she was waiting for the other student to answer the question. One student laid her

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