1) Describe what happened in this class session. What was done by the faculty member and/or the students?
Ms. Connelly started class asking students that needed help with their homework to get it out. Some students opened their homework, but some did not. Ms. Connelly then began writing out and solving homework problems with an overhead projector. One student walked into class late, Ms. Connelly addressed it quickly with little disruption to the class. The student looked around the room and realized the other students had their homework out and he did the same. Ms. Connelly continued to work out homework problems step by step on the overhead projector. While doing this Ms. Connelly asked questions about the steps she used to solve the math equation and randomly called on students for the answers. After working out a few of the math problems Ms. Connelly asked the class if they understood how she solved the equations. A few students nodded their heads and then Ms. Connelly moved on solving the next equation. Ms. Connelly referenced a quiz that was coming up tomorrow in the students ' math classes and stated the homework problems will be on the quiz. The teacher then continued working out math problems and using question prompts to keep students engaged. While waiting for one student to answer another student called out the answer. Ms. Connelly addressed it and let the student know that she was waiting for the other student to answer the question. One student laid her
With a small group, discuss the following questions. Choose someone to read the question out loud, and direct the discussion so that each person can offer his/her opinion on the topic. Have another student record the group’s response and choose a third student to report the information gathered to the class in a discussion.
2. How did the tutor set up/focus on the session? Refer back to the “extraction phase.”
Review each scenario below, and choose one to complete for your assignment. Each scenario contains specific questions that will ask you to provide examples, explain your suggestions for improvement, and refer to the lesson. Be sure to respond to each question in complete sentences.
The Faculty Incivility: This book was right on point. I truly enjoyed that it was an easy read, and the information was very insightful, and was balanced. The book dealt with incivility, hazing, and bullying. I think more faculty need to read this book because I think a lot of individuals don’t think it exist.
Once upon a time there was a magnificent teacher named Mr. Strickland. Mr. Strickland thought all of his kids were puny to him because he was very inordinate. Mr. Strickland liked governing deportment in his class to make sure everything runs smoothly. But yet there was still lots of commotion in his class room. In order to get his class room together he shows off by articulating and using large vocabulary words to impress his students. One of his students was very changeling and was talking to the wall. While others thought it was amusing to mortify each other. When Mr. Strickland punished the children whit more assignments they thought that he was very oppressive. The disrespectful children thought it
There were ten children and three teachers in the class. The teachers have a structure scheduled for their class. Breakfast is the first on their list followed by an hour recess at the playground. The kids were very active and engaging in exploring their environment and interacting with children from different age groups. At the end of the recess, the teachers lined the kid-up and walked them to the toilet to void.
Gina is educated in a Special Class to help support her educational needs. Gina was observed during a Social Studies lesson that included whole class instruction and individual seatwork. She was seated at her desk in a group of two students. The class was working on a President research project. The class was instructed to research a president by gathering basic facts on the laptops using the Pebble Go Program. Gina independently worked at her desk. She was actively engaged in the activity as she participated by raising her hand to inform the class about her President. Gina received verbal praise from her teacher, when she provided information on her president.
Walking into math class was the hardest time of day. I knew I was not going to be learning much, nor was I interested in knowing what she had to teach considering I knew I would have to go home and research it. Mrs. Power not elaborating much on her lesson simply handing
A. Describe one student’s behavior from either scenario, including relevant examples of how this behavior affects the learning environment.
In general the atmosphere of the group was friendly and inviting. Everyone was respectful towards each other and there was no malice. When considering the physical environment it is important to take note of the space and seating arrangement. Our class was held every Wednesday at Pless Hall in room 634. The room was one of the
One Monday, a student needed my assistance understanding a new concept that he had learned in math class. I began the session by asking to see Andy’s notes from class. As we progressed through the notes, Andy began to grasp a better understanding of the material. He then successfully completed three of the four assigned math problems with little to no help from myself. But it was the fourth and final problem that gave him a hard time, after
One day in class, she was exasperated with the fact that she wasn’t getting through to her students. She stopped in the middle of class, slammed her lesson plan book on the table and asked “Is everything alright? I’ve noticed that everyone is not interested in the lesson anymore.” After a brief moment of silence, a student finally raised their hand and replied, “Mrs. Lee, this class is boring! All we’re doing is sitting here watching
“This is everything that you will need for the next three months of class. Don’t complain, this cost over ten dollars to print.” She rolled her eyes, and took a seat at her computer. The class sat silently, and stared at her for a minute before she yelled, “Well, get to work!”
There were two students using iPads with the volume up loud enough to hear as I entered as well. Three students were riffling through a bucket of plastic letters without being entirely successful in finding the letters they were seeking. Two students were using a drawer of foam letters and word cards to put the letters on the corresponding word. The final student was alone just looking at a book herself. The teacher was going back and forth between the groups who were working with letters trying to assist them in picking the correct letters. She would say the sound while feeling her throat and then tell them the letter they needed and find it for them in the box. She went to the group looking in the tub for letters and found letters for them as well. A cause for concern that we noticed was that she was asking the students to sound out the word “said” as well as having written on the board next to the sight words students were spelling that the vowel team ai =e (meaning short e sound). Mrs. Williams though it necessary to jump in at this point and make a correction since she was teaching something contrary to the curriculum and pointed out that sight words like “said” do not follow the rules of phonics always and need to be taught as a whole word. Also during this brief observation we noticed Mrs. M. having difficulty with the student who was alone. She was not engaging in any work after being asked to join the group and instead took a book and hid
As I sat in the back of the classroom observing Ms. Dana techniques of teaching her students, I noticed the way the classroom is set up. Instead of the setting up the classroom with rows of desks, with few motivational/educational posters, it is filled with educational posters to motivate her students to work hard. The desks were also were facing each other, so the students can interact with other students and help one another. I noticed that Ms. Dana has the desks sit in a circle like way in order to have eye contacts with each individual student. As I sat quietly observing her, she introduced the lesson she planned for today, and pass out the materials (money materials) to the students. As she passed out the money materials to the students, she would ask simple questions, such as, “What is this coin, a nickel or dime?” and proceed to let the classroom to answer. Ms. Dana demonstrate the differences between each currency and proceed to pass remaining materials. She proceed to pull out the math problems she planned, and draw them on the board. As Ms. Dana was drawing the math problem out, I see the excitement throughout the classroom as they learning new things, and using