
Individuals During Stalin's Regime

Decent Essays

A leader is defined as a guiding or directing head. Stalin was the leader of the party that was in charge of the Soviet Union. He created a totalitarian regime which brought great suffering to the Russian people. The individual Russian played two distinct roles under Stalin. One role would be that of a person who under Stalin’s system was no different than the person who is standing next to them. Everyone was treated equal in all facets. The other role the individual Russian played was that of a victim. We are able to see by many different accounts that an individual had different roles to play and under Stalin, each role came with a price that sometimes lead to death. The role of the individual Russian played a huge role in Stalin’s aim …show more content…

The individual was to be Indoctrinated into the philosophy and meaning of what the regime wanted to convey. When someone stepped out of line and spoke ill of Stalin or the government, even if it was the truth, they would be removed from society. The government did away with individuals who were troublesome to the regime. These individuals were not who the government wanted, they wanted someone who would be obedient, not free thinking and do over anything, what was needed for Stalin and the Soviet Union. More and more individuals were being sent to the gulags just because they disagreed with the regime. Individuals would get years or decades as a sentence for publishing a poem or paper. There would be false charges, confessions, and sentences just to fill the void of workers in the camps by anyone unlucky enough to be singled out (Ulam 312). Military men would go from being in service on day, to being a prisoner the next. No one was safe and everyone lived in fear that at any time, their lives could be changed and they could be sent away. Stalin’s plan was not to create a “final solution” for his people. Stalin had a vision, a grand plan that would bring the Soviet Union to the forefront of the world and make other countries recognized the collective success that he did for the Soviet Union and its people. The individualized person was a means to an end. Stalin had the man power to finalize his grandiose vision. If a person though did not

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