
Industrial Revolution: Beneficial To The Entire World

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The Industrial Revolution was a period from 1790 to 1870 that originated in England. The Industrial Revolution was a time of great advancements such as going from handmade to machine & factory made products. During this period of time, drastic changes in manufacturing, agriculture, trade, technology, knowledge and transportation have taken place. Therefore, the Industrial Revolution was beneficial to the entire world.

The Industrial Revolution influenced a great increase in the mass production of goods. Before the Industrial Revolution, most goods were handmade in small workshops. This system took many hours, days or even months since each person had a specific skill and even if they passed on their product to the next person, they have …show more content…

Being able to trade is when you give a product to someone and they give you something in return. People trade for a reason and the reason being that either they don’t know how to produce a similar product or that it would be easier to receive the product in a trade. “ ...tailor does not attempt to make his own shoes, but buys them from the shoemaker. The shoemaker does not attempt to make his own clothes, but employs a tailor….” (Invisible Hand). People are born with a special talent or maybe more than one special talent but not everyone is good at everything, therefore they depend on someone else to produce something that they need or want. Everyone is taking advantage of the fact that someone else other than them can make a similar product better so they don’t even bother trying. Relying on one another can be useful tactic like Adam Smith says, “ If a foreign country can supply us with a product cheaper than we ourselves can make it, better buy it from them with some part of the produce of our own industry” ( Invisible Hand). Adam believes that it is more logical to buy a product from a different country if they can make it using less money. There is no point in making a product but knowing that someone else can make it cheaper in return for a product that the foreign country desires. One thing lead to another and soon enough countries were trading with everyone. Trade started out within individual industries and became an international

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