
Infatuation Script Essay

Good Essays

Infatuation Scripts By Emma & Clayton Max - Full Review
Hello and welcome to our review of the Infatuation Scripts guide by Emma and Clayton Max.

Our review will be divided into 3 main sections:

1. The basics section that will help you to understand better what “Infatuation Scripts” is all about.

2. A detailed section about the pros and cons of the Infatuation Scripts system.

3. The conclusions section that will sum up our thoughts and feelings on this relationship guide…

Let’s start :)

The Basics

Created by Emma, a former freelance journalist, and Clayton Max, a professional dating and relationship coach with more than a decade of experience, “Infatuation Scripts” is a dating and relationship guide that will teach you different phrases you can use on any guy, even on your husband or boyfriend, to trigger his “infatuation instinct.” This will make him focus on all his love and desire on you alone, while shutting down his desire for other women. …show more content…

Also, it triggers a strong desire in men to focus all their attention, love, and sexual desire to only one woman (The Infatuation Instinct).

How does it work?

According to Emma, the Infatuation Instinct causes changes in a man’s brain chemistry and releases certain chemicals that will wire you into his brain. To trigger this, Clayton made a series of “scripts.”

More specifically, here are some of the “scripts” you’ll learn in the Infatuation Scripts guide:

• Investment Scripts – to encourage him to keep working hard to get

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