
Influence Of Art In The Renaissance Art

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Art is a skill that not everyone can grasp, however even in the Italian Renaissance, some people had this great gift. Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael are three great examples of artists who had a talent which would influence the art we do today. Leonardo da Vinci was a great painter in the Renaissance. He was one of the key figures in the Renaissance. Two of his paintings are the most famous paintings ever made. These are the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. Leonardo had many interests besides art. He studied Anatomy, astronomy, botany, geology, geometry, and optics. Leonardo was raised in Vinci Italy. The meaning of da Vinci is “from Vinci”. Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 14, 1452 and died on May 2, 1519. One skill that Leonardo had was observing. Leonardo was an apprentice to Andrea del Verrocchio. When his apprenticeship was completed, he stayed with Andrea del Verrocchio as an assistant. They made a painting together in 1472. From 1478 to 1482 Leonardo had his own studio. This studio was located in Florence Italy. Leonardo used his drawings to help him with observations, creation, and inventions. Leonardo da Vinci was always interested in mechanics. Leonardo had an incredible scientific mind. In fact, in the Italian Renaisance, he had one of the greatest scientific mind. Although he had an incredible mind for science, his importance in art was far greater than his importance in science.
A lot of Leonardo’s designs were way ahead of their time, some of

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