
Influence Of Assignment: Sequence Versus Technical Reasoning

Satisfactory Essays

Nia as the right attitude but she needs to make sure that she ask questions if she does not know exactly what is expected of her for that assignment. She needs to use more Sequence and precision than Technical Reasoning. Nia should have never used another persons words without proper quotation. Writing down some ones words that are not your own is called Plagiarism and it is not allowed. Nia should have proofread and decoded her work before she turned it in. Nia is a good worker , but working by herself and not asking questions is not a good working habit, My LCI Scores Sequence - 32 Precision - 30. Technical Reasoning - 29 Confluence - 22 Strong Willed Learner I like to use my Sequence and my Precision a lot, I love to know what I'm doing

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